The name “Panoramic Garden Resort” is no coincidence, because the finch's nest has its own large organic garden in which we grow our vegetables, fruit and herbs. Our goal is to source as many products as possible from the surrounding area and South Tyrol in order to establish closed regional cycles.
We make our contribution:
- In our kitchen, we attach great importance to the use of locally produced food
- We use rainwater to water our gardens and to flush toilets
- Wood chips from local forests in the Schnalstal and Villanders provide cozy warmth for our house and the production of warm water. The modern wood chip plant corresponds to the required high levels of efficiency
- Natural gas is only used as an emergency energy source, in the kitchen we cook with electricity
- The electricity used in the house is produced almost exclusively from hydropower and solar energy, and LED lamps and motion detectors handle this resource carefully
- A waste concept that brings resources back and the avoidance of environmentally harmful processes start with the 2021 season, because every new path begins with a first step.
- We use biodegradable detergents in our laundry and dishwashers We want to deal more sustainably with our environment than before and consistently take the necessary path.